
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Draven Pentakill

Now there comes a time in every leaguers life where there proud of something.
For me, today is that day,
So as you can see
I got my first pentakill, 
now i've gotten Pentakills before but, they weren't worthy Pentakills. 
Those Pentakills were for instance a brand ult, 
now who hasn't got a brand ult,
or even an ashe ult that's easy to land, 
Now my Pentakill yesterday was with DRAVEEENNNN.
I didn't use my ult, 
just my Q,
Chased down the whole team now the team consisted of,
Volibear, Vayne, Master Yi, Ashe, Kennen.
Now when I got the Quadra Kill,
Ashe used her ult on me to get away,
i flashed away from it,
then she used frost arrow and slowed me down , 
Smashed my W then threw 3 Q's at her,
And there was my Pentakill.
We pushed then won, 
overall amazing game.

Thanks guys for reading I'll post tomorrow.