
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Draven Pentakill

Now there comes a time in every leaguers life where there proud of something.
For me, today is that day,
So as you can see
I got my first pentakill, 
now i've gotten Pentakills before but, they weren't worthy Pentakills. 
Those Pentakills were for instance a brand ult, 
now who hasn't got a brand ult,
or even an ashe ult that's easy to land, 
Now my Pentakill yesterday was with DRAVEEENNNN.
I didn't use my ult, 
just my Q,
Chased down the whole team now the team consisted of,
Volibear, Vayne, Master Yi, Ashe, Kennen.
Now when I got the Quadra Kill,
Ashe used her ult on me to get away,
i flashed away from it,
then she used frost arrow and slowed me down , 
Smashed my W then threw 3 Q's at her,
And there was my Pentakill.
We pushed then won, 
overall amazing game.

Thanks guys for reading I'll post tomorrow.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hey Guys and Gals just a little update for you

Just letting you all know that ive actually started a youtube channel and its for minecraft and league but for now will be primarily for minecraft but we all know my addiction to league so pretty soon like this week coming up ill post at least 1 league game or something so not only will this blog be updated constantly but it will also be liked to my youtube videos .

The Video above is actually our first video, it's just a trailer to show what's going to happen on the minecraft side of things.

We will also be featuring some league guests on our channel, such as Zhako better known as blackjack.

Then on the minecraft side we will be opening up the server so whosever interested can join, but later on because we will throwing a challenge like fan art or howling abyss challenge if anyone is interested.

My partner's name is MixMasterMoo and he is my league padawan and my minecraft comrade.

So Like, Comment, Subscribe to anything of mine

Thank you for being a part of this.

Bye for now

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sorry guys

Hey guys sorry for the late post. It's been awhile since my last post so here I am. Writing on my new apple devices to the blog I will be back on the league stuff after, I will be back on the stuff after I get my MacBook next week and I start playing again. So please don't stop reading I will get my friend back into this to. Again my deepest apologies, I will continue

Monday, June 17, 2013

What to say now

All you readers who have kept up with my blog I am sorry to announce that I shall not be posting for awhile as i was kicked out of my house by my parents i have been under a lot of stress, as well as the residence i reside in now has very shitty internet and can not handle league so I am sorry. I shall post when i can thank you

Sunday, May 26, 2013

how we won this game i dont know

Well let me start off by saying this was a random invite to a game. I played summoners rift as ahri and by god it was fun. My team tried to surrender like 4 times but to not avail , it was all to beautiful. The murdered everybody, I went mid as ahri but their lux was all to good for me. In the end victory was claimed by my team. Hooray. Now when u see the image be amazed I went 3/16/20 which is terrible so I hope you enjoyed this post and ta ta for now.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

sorry for the delay

Hey avid readers , I am sorry it has been so long since my last post. I took some time off to get all my work together but do not think I did not play some league .......of course I did. League is my addiction after all. Anyways I went on a little rp spree, I ended up buying FOXFIRE AHRI, PENTAKILL KARTHUS, MUAY THAI LEE SIN , VOID NOCTURNE AND RUNEGUARD VOLIBEAR. They are amazing skins I need more practice with the champions but egh ill get there. So anyways as usual here's some of my games enjoy.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Being Kassadin

So I bought Kassadin today, and let me say, I'm having a lot of fun!

I don't know if you know this, (which you don't, it would be creepy if you did) but Kassadin was the first champ I ever played. He was on rotation around the time his Harbinger skin came out, and I was in love.

So you can imagine my horror as I stepped out into the battlefield....and got nuked by an enemy turret


The rest of the game was a compilation of requests to switch champs, Rift walking into walls and soul-crushing failure.

So, as you can imagine, I stopped playing Kassadin. something about going 0/29/3 leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Ever since that game, I've avoided him, but of course that being my first game, I shouldn't have been quite so stupid.

So, after...12  months of not playing the purple bastard, I impulse-bought him, because I didn't want to buy Lux, and I couldn't quiiite, stoop low enough to buy Akali. (at least, not yet) Because my friends have played him, I got a pretty good sense of how I'm ACTUALLY supposed to play him, and played my second ever game with him

And I destroyed.

My team didn't though, so we lost. Twice. I seem to be on a rather close losing streak as of late, but I'll jump out of it soon I'm sure..I hope...

So I'm gonna be playing a mid lane Kass for the next little while, he's a fun champ with some really good pay off, and he's gonna be one of my favourites in a bit I'm sure!

P.S. I know Jon usually caps his games, but I don't have that program, because my computer has crashed so many times, It might as well be in a demolition derby. I'm sorry about the no screen caps, but i'm working on it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I have just been doing decent with league

As of late my games have been decent, just because I have been focused with school and getting money for college.

I have played a multitude of champions and some I admit I am lacking skill so here are my games and my favorite champion for twisted treeline remains gangplank he is to awesome :D. Here are pictures of my games .

Pretty soon I shall get back to my long posts but I do want to try some short ones to see how the readers respond :D

Friday, May 10, 2013



I've been having a bad league week. I have no idea why, but it's been happening.
I've been either trying to play champs I haven't played in months, or champs I didn't have good experiences with, OR champs I haven't played in months, like Tryndamere, and Gangplank.

I had a....lukewarm Singed game just now. I ran into a Darius once, and died so hard it counted as 7.
I was under farmed,  under levelled  negative and I was getting chewed out by our ADC (Who was a huge cunt, but she got a lot of kills, so hush my mouth I guess)

But then It happened.
That one, beautiful ray of light and life.
Our Jungle Leona
Then I got a kill, and another, and another, and another, and another. then I was Getting items (3 Rods of Ages, the usual) and before I knew it, we won....I came back from a 11 death deficit, got 10 kills and 12 assists!


All jokes aside, I guess those hints in the load screen were right, you're nice to someone, they'l play better.
And then they can flip fed Darius' into the path of half-dead cunty ADCs

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Still playing twisted

I do enjoy playing twisted treeline, BECAUSE ITS AWESOME

As it seems I am sticking with a handful of champions for twisted treeline only because there awesome.

I have played teemo, diana , maokai, gangplank , lee sin , and master yi so i do plan to start playing more champions today I am going to start playing lulu because she is free this week so that should be fun.

So here is my recent games because well some are awesome and some are not so good.


Enjoy and Keep Reading

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Ok let me start off by saying these are the only 4 gangplank games I have played in a very long time.

I am just going to post the picture because i believe it speaks for itself.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

looking into today's games

Well today I had some English homework to do, I was not actually that motivated to do it.

I decided to motivate myself with something I love .......LEAGUE.

After every paragraph I would play one game; twisted treeline of course.

The motivation worked I ended up finishing all my English, because of league.

So during my games i decided to play champions that I rarely play so I apologize when you see my games and some are bad.

I ended up playing Diana, Evelyn,Jax,Lee Sin, Maokai, Morg, Sion, Sivir , Teemo, Udyr, and Vi.

These are amazing champions if played correctly, sadly I did not do them justice.

Anyways since there is a lot of pictures I will make this post short.

Thank you as always for reading and its going to be hard for me to pick a video considering I pick videos based on the champions I have played.