
Monday, May 13, 2013

Being Kassadin

So I bought Kassadin today, and let me say, I'm having a lot of fun!

I don't know if you know this, (which you don't, it would be creepy if you did) but Kassadin was the first champ I ever played. He was on rotation around the time his Harbinger skin came out, and I was in love.

So you can imagine my horror as I stepped out into the battlefield....and got nuked by an enemy turret


The rest of the game was a compilation of requests to switch champs, Rift walking into walls and soul-crushing failure.

So, as you can imagine, I stopped playing Kassadin. something about going 0/29/3 leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Ever since that game, I've avoided him, but of course that being my first game, I shouldn't have been quite so stupid.

So, after...12  months of not playing the purple bastard, I impulse-bought him, because I didn't want to buy Lux, and I couldn't quiiite, stoop low enough to buy Akali. (at least, not yet) Because my friends have played him, I got a pretty good sense of how I'm ACTUALLY supposed to play him, and played my second ever game with him

And I destroyed.

My team didn't though, so we lost. Twice. I seem to be on a rather close losing streak as of late, but I'll jump out of it soon I'm sure..I hope...

So I'm gonna be playing a mid lane Kass for the next little while, he's a fun champ with some really good pay off, and he's gonna be one of my favourites in a bit I'm sure!

P.S. I know Jon usually caps his games, but I don't have that program, because my computer has crashed so many times, It might as well be in a demolition derby. I'm sorry about the no screen caps, but i'm working on it.

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