Monday, April 29, 2013
Well ever since i faced a teemo in twisted treeline i realized that he is op as shit in that map so i have no other choice but to play him. So the game started off really nice but then i kinda lagged so i kept dieing but then i hit lvl 6 muahahahha and we all know what that means .....MUSHROOMMMSSSSS!!!!!!! So yea planted those in every walkable spot around the map now anivia and ashe on my team told me i was noob well i went hardcore on this game but made sure to kamikaze myself just for the fun of it, it was fun :D the game ended in a victory for my team and it was awesome by the end i was pretty fed on everything :D. So guys keep reading and here's my game
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Trying to get back on top!!!
Well to start off I got demoted in my league because of all the people who afk and to all those who do and are reading this seriously come on dont play the game if your going to do that shit like it pisses everyone off so anyways I was playing a sona game because thats the champion im decent with when it comes to supports i was going to play leona but enemy team snapped her up so anyways i thought i was having a pretty decent game until our twisted fate decided to afk and he was midding so there was no one there to tell us when talon went mia so he came bot alot and kill me like twice and plus they had a hecarim also sooo unfair his charge needs to get nerfed big time so anyways long story short i really do hate it when people leave a game twisted fate would have been so much help :( so here's some more pictures and videos and please feel free to comment share and liking us by hitting the +1 google button thank you for reading and stay tuned for more posts
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Difficulty Of Dealing With A Noob Team
Well since my friend Maalik and I are now both on this blog it should pick up quite a bit so thankyou for those who have read. So anyways to base this post off my title I played a game today where my entire team was noob because our captain forgot to ban the most important ban of all other than blitzcrank but he forgot to ban shen now that just makes the game unfair and honestly gives them an advantage now I played as sona , one of my favorite supports :D but I made some great saves but in the end we took defeat but their entire team was tanky except for nami also a sona vs a nami is not a good mix because of her passive but anyways i got demoted to division 4 of dravens brigades but I with the help of Maalik shall continue going up because now that I have him playing ranked it should be all good so heres a picture and a video thats my thing :D
Ok, so we lost another ranked game... which is a huge bummer, but at least it wasn't my fault this time!
So I ran another Panth game, and once again, I got the usual "Advice" from many a helpful jackass on my build.
Then I slaughtered Rengar.
That shut them up.
I proceeded to have one of my better Panth games, not THE best, but I can't complain. We had lanes pushed, team mates fed and things were looking up.
Well...let me put a bit of context on this: Me and Jon are friends, and we have been for a good while now. I have played, won, and lost games with Jon, hell I taught him how to play!
Which I guess hangs a negative light on me when I say this: JON YOU ARE NEVER PLAYING THRESH AGAIN EVER EVER EVER.
It wasn't like he was building wrong, he was just useless, and I mean that particular kind of useless where the enemy team noticed how useless he was, so he took initial focus. It was really just he got focused so hard, he couldn't build at all.
But I digress, despite the fact that we lost, I ruthlessly Goomba-Stomped the lot of them before we did, and I DARE a mother-fucker to tell me how to build Panth ever again!
I am BlackJak, and from now on, Jon and I will be doing this blog thingy together!
So uh...I had a bad ranked game. I decided to play Pantheon, better known as Super Spartan 64. I had to take on a Renekton, all of whom I hate I HATE THEM, OH GOD I HATE THEM SO MUCH.
Anyway, It was me as Panth, a Fiddlesticks, a Nunu, a Lee Sin and Jon as DRRAAAAAAVEN! Unfortunately, legendary superhero Captain Obvious wasn't around to let Lee Sin know that to be a good jungler, you have to BE IN THE GAME, so Lee went mia.
The remaining 30 or so minutes was a combination of ganks, ults, and me swearing at anything with a screen name. (I have anger issues with video games) Nunu, Fiddlesticks, Jon and I fought valiantly, but that to our STUPID FUCKING LEE SIN, we were slowly but surely crushed under a wave of ganks tanks and auto mobiles It was the stupidest fucking ranked game I've ever played, and I wish that Lee Sin a painful anal experience in the near fucking future.
God I love League of Legends
Below is a picture of the match from Jon's screen, I closed it because the failure was blinding me.
P.S. People judge me because I play a squishy Panth, and I spend match after match after FUCKING MATCH being advised on builds. I appreciate the advice, but you're not my fucking mother, League community I'm a big boy, I got this.
So uh...I had a bad ranked game. I decided to play Pantheon, better known as Super Spartan 64. I had to take on a Renekton, all of whom I hate I HATE THEM, OH GOD I HATE THEM SO MUCH.
Anyway, It was me as Panth, a Fiddlesticks, a Nunu, a Lee Sin and Jon as DRRAAAAAAVEN! Unfortunately, legendary superhero Captain Obvious wasn't around to let Lee Sin know that to be a good jungler, you have to BE IN THE GAME, so Lee went mia.
The remaining 30 or so minutes was a combination of ganks, ults, and me swearing at anything with a screen name. (I have anger issues with video games) Nunu, Fiddlesticks, Jon and I fought valiantly, but that to our STUPID FUCKING LEE SIN, we were slowly but surely crushed under a wave of ganks tanks and auto mobiles It was the stupidest fucking ranked game I've ever played, and I wish that Lee Sin a painful anal experience in the near fucking future.
God I love League of Legends
Below is a picture of the match from Jon's screen, I closed it because the failure was blinding me.
P.S. People judge me because I play a squishy Panth, and I spend match after match after FUCKING MATCH being advised on builds. I appreciate the advice, but you're not my fucking mother, League community I'm a big boy, I got this.
This Morning
This morning I decided to play on twisted treeline which i ended up playing some last night as well it was really fun I played sona all 3 twisted games i lost the second one but won all the other ones it was sooooooo much fun because I think I'm pretty decent with sona I ended up being called pro sona lmao the plays I made were fantastic but for my first twisted game that I played with my friends i played blitzcrank it was a pretty fun game we won of course but then the second game last 1 hour and that was the longest league game I have ever played so here on some pictures and videos so please continue reading my updates and keep posted for guides and tutorials which I will be bringing in soon :D
Friday, April 26, 2013
Today during my time playing league i thought i should play jungler because i have not done that in awhile and i used to love doing it so i played an amazing warwick game i ended up feeding our ashe which was really nice because she could destroy anything in a matter of seconds plus we had a zed on our team he solo'd top against a xin zhao and a wukong which was really cool because he was really good like im talking he kept killing both of them but then the xin decided he wanted to start taking some of my jungle so i always started on the purple side which wasnt my side so he wasnt able to jungle muahaha anyways and our teemo also had good mushroom placement good job on teemo :D i was really impressed with my team i think they did fantastic oh and on top of that we had a kha'zix so overall a very op team :D but here on some nice pictures of my games and videos of other peoples games......enjoy and please continuing reading my blog its doing really well
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Well i started off today thinking hey I'm going to have some nice games today so i tried out miss fortune i thought it went pretty good considering i don't play alot of adc's but anyways 6/8/10 is not a bad game for someone i just tried shes fun and all but not really my type ;) but the game was good we would have won have it not been for the people who always leave the games i dont know if they do it on purpose or its because of lag issue (which frankly ive been having alot of lag recently and its also been pissing me off) but when people leave a game it really tips the scale and makes it unfair like i wish league of legends didnt announce it globally through game play when someone leaves a game it just makes them cocky but anyways to those people reading my blog im very glad you are it pleases me a lot to have so many views its a nice feeling so thank you and dont stop reading ill always be posting some rage stuff or guides or something but heres some more images and videos
Monday, April 22, 2013
the fun support games
Well as you might know I play a lot of support games which is very interesting for me because I get to help the team win and also make it look good on match history well ive had some pretty good support games recently and they've been a lot of fun so normally I just play sona but I played support zyra a lot which was fun and support ryze and some other ones to don't worry ill post a picture but anyways Im going to start training with adcs now and top champions because I want to start getting better with those and just be able to play any lane jungle im ok I normally play Diana jungle or fiddlesticks jungle which requires a lot of mana regen and armor for my aggressive games which is really cool so anyways I post back tomorrow with new updates and stuff but Ive been lagging a lot lately on my games so I don't know how well they will go I hope I can keep up a decent score
Saturday, April 20, 2013
HAHAHAAAHAAHAHA pentakills are fun
well today has been a fun day my little brother had his confirmation and then we went out for sushi and I ate sooo much lmao but still hungry but then I decided to turn on league and to what I do best and play support games it was really fun I played supports that I never really play zyra and thresh now in the zyra game I was up against a really good darius he had 20 kills I believe well anyways the thresh game I was up against a blitzcrank so that was fun 2 grabs lmao. but besides the point I lost both games but was proud of myself for both because of my amazing saves and zyra is a fun champion I should play her more often in a team fight I got a quadra I was really close to a penta but somebody stole that from me but whatever so anyways I wont be adding my friend quite yet to my blog because there is something he has to do as a friend to be my friend as in don't steal from me but anyways overall been a pretty awesome day. thanks guys for reading hoped you enjoyed it.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Rengar needs a buff i think
I think that rengar needs a buff or I just suck with him , I have a feeling I do but in this game I played today it was quite funny ashe got a penta kill and I ended kill a double kill while I was dead so over all It was a victory so the fact that I tried rengar out as a jungler which was hard enough as is because I was facing another rengar jungler with the same summoner spells. I either need to get better with rengar or start playing different champions as requested im going to start playing in order of champions and write about each one.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
yet another sona game didnt go so well
I had an ok sona game im not proud of it but it happens but since im playing in leagues I got demoted some points for this game im holding in number 4th place so I need to step up my game quite a bit. so anyways playing with a noob ez who didn't even know how to last hit which it was funny so I started clearing up the lanes for this guy I had more cs than the adc and I was support so that's the sad thing the good thing is I didn't lose enough points to be last because that would've been sad but I like using sona but I think im going to move on to other champions like maybe ill start playing support Leona I hear shes getting some nice tweaks there debating jungle Leona which would be cool to see. but anyways to conclude for today im going to be doing every champion on this blog and im well umm going to blog about them so itll be fun for me and u viewers get to see what I do well read about it anyways and I appreciate the people who have actually read my stuff its going to pick up soon my friend got his computer fixed so he should be on this blog shortly either raging about champs or just describing them with his perspective so you readers will get to see 2 different perspectives on here so anyways heres a really cool sona picture and underneath is a pentakill video really good play
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
shaco game
So I haven't played shaco in awhile and back in the day I was pretty decent with him but since I have played him in a while it was kinda hard considering he is a difficult champion to use it was a different taste from what I was used to. so anyways I played one game with shaco an intermediate bot match and even that was lacking skill for me because shaco isn't really for me now I settle for more along the lines of support. but I went like 7/12/4 so still pretty decent id say but that's up to you viewers to decide is that a decent shaco game if it isn't let me know your shaco game scores I would love to see them and as I said in yesterdays post.. I'm keeping you viewers posted on when releases are coming out for certain league stuff and I will be adding another author to this blog so read his stuff to he will be added on Friday or Saturday so keep reading and have a good morning :D
Monday, April 15, 2013
well today........
today marks the end of my journey for now with sona as I have played 60 games with her I believe I have played enough sona games. Today me and my friends came together and decided were going to do something for the league community that hasn't been done yet but in time we will make our plan known :D. so today anyways since this is about league I had an amazing fiddlesticks match with me building completely ap it was easy to carry my team to victory. I will also be looking into adding my friend into this blog so keep reading and make it a favorite .... for all you girls and guys who have read and am keeping up with my blog later on in my endeavor I will be also creating a youtube channel for tutorials.. so I will keep my viewers updated and my readers reading :D so thanks for stop by for todays write. have a lovely night
Sunday, April 14, 2013
today during my league adventure
Well first off let me start off with reminding everyone that sona is the most op support in the game, so during my day today I was playing soraka then realized that sona was a great counter to sona so I thought hey why not lets try out sona. I started playing sona and was really good so Im like hell yea lets play some ranked games I did and won them it was pretty cool so later on in the day I decided to take a break from ranked and play some normal. Now in ranked im pretty aggressive which is probably why I die more times than I actually kill, so anyways back to the point I started up a normal game with me supporting an ashe now this ashe didn't know how to last hit so I just started taking all her cs, it was pretty funny because I was clearing minions pretty fast, so then I fed just by minions and she had the nerve to tell me I sucked so I said "really now, im taking a break from ranked and am just relaxing but since u want me to play well then here it is" I made the best plays I ever have with sona I came out soooo positive 15/6/23 was my score it was well worth it. just because the ashe insulted my skill I toke all her kills it was a pretty good game and that just goes to show what happens when you insult someone you don't really know..
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