Ok, so we lost another ranked game... which is a huge bummer, but at least it wasn't my fault this time!
So I ran another Panth game, and once again, I got the usual "Advice" from many a helpful jackass on my build.
Then I slaughtered Rengar.
That shut them up.
I proceeded to have one of my better Panth games, not THE best, but I can't complain. We had lanes pushed, team mates fed and things were looking up.
Well...let me put a bit of context on this: Me and Jon are friends, and we have been for a good while now. I have played, won, and lost games with Jon, hell I taught him how to play!
Which I guess hangs a negative light on me when I say this: JON YOU ARE NEVER PLAYING THRESH AGAIN EVER EVER EVER.
It wasn't like he was building wrong, he was just useless, and I mean that particular kind of useless where the enemy team noticed how useless he was, so he took initial focus. It was really just he got focused so hard, he couldn't build at all.
But I digress, despite the fact that we lost, I ruthlessly Goomba-Stomped the lot of them before we did, and I DARE a mother-fucker to tell me how to build Panth ever again!
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