well let me just start off by saying wow what a champion. Lissandra is an amazing, crowd controlling champion her skills are really something. Let me go into her abilities for you: Q an amazing poke that does extra length damage and it bounces off an enemy, W a slowing ability that freezes enemies in a radius for a short duration, E now this ability oh my Jesus is an amazing poke and a well thought off escape ; what happens is lissandra can throw out a claw and she can click the ability again to teleport to the claws location, R her ult can either freeze herself and make her invulnerable and as well as doing damage to enemies around it, it can also freeze and enemy and have the same effect. She is amazing champion but hopefully she'll get a buff. I am hoping they either make the claw faster as well as the teleportation to it as well, another idea is to lower her cooldowns because if she uses all her abilities she is useless and can only basic attack. here is my games so far as well as a perfect sion game because I wanted to quickly play another champion, and also ill post a video so stay tuned I am also hoping my friend Maalik does a follow up on Lissandra.
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